The TikTok Trend That Blew Up My Birthday

3 min readFeb 25, 2024


How My 5-Year-Old Mastered Gifting with a £10 Birthday Challenge

Photo by Taylor Heery on Unsplash

As a parent, birthdays can bring about a mix of excitement and anticipation. Will it be a homemade card with crayon scribbles or perhaps a surprise breakfast in bed? This year, however, my birthday took an unexpected turn thanks to a TikTok trend that involved giving my 5-year-old son a £10 budget and free rein in a discount store to choose my gifts. Little did I know, this experiment would not only result in a quirky assortment of presents but also offer profound insights into his thoughts and perceptions.

Let me set the scene: armed with a ten-pound note, my husband and our son embarked on a shopping adventure to one of the many discount stores littered across the UK. With each item he picked up, I couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his imaginative mind.

First up, interdental brushes. At first glance, a peculiar choice for a birthday gift, but it dawned on me that this past year, I battled with a troublesome wisdom tooth. The thoughtful gesture spoke volumes about his awareness of my recent dental woes and his desire to offer some relief.

Next on the list was a jar of Vitamin E face cream. As he earnestly explained, “You need vitamins, Mummy.” His innocent belief in the power of skincare to provide nourishment was both endearing and amusing.

Then came the pink hair bobbles and a matching hairpin. In his eyes, pink equated to girly, and apparently, I needed more bobbles. His reasoning was simple yet profound – a reminder to embrace femininity in all its forms and the importance of practical accessories.

A manicure set followed suit, chosen under the assumption that it was makeup-related. While his interpretation may have been slightly off the mark, the sentiment behind the gift was crystal clear – a reflection of his fascination with my beauty routines and a desire to emulate them.

Cheesy biscuits and chocolate fingers made their way into the basket, a testament to his understanding of my undeniable sweet tooth. And let’s not forget the makeup brush, a nod to our shared moments of playing dress-up and his innocent inquiries about beauty standards.

Surprisingly absent from his selections were cleaning products. His rationale? “Daddy does all the cleaning.” A humorous yet telling revelation of his perception of household roles and responsibilities.

Reflecting on this unconventional birthday haul, I couldn’t help but marvel at the valuable lessons hidden amidst the whimsical gifts. Beyond the laughter and lightheartedness, it was a poignant reminder of the importance of thoughtfulness, budgeting, and the simple joy of giving.

Reflecting on this unconventional birthday haul, I couldn’t help but chuckle at the unexpected yet delightful array of gifts. I unwrapped a glimpse into my son’s unique perspective on the world. Beyond the laughter and lightheartedness, it was a poignant reminder of the magic that comes with letting go of expectations and embracing spontaneity. So, the next time you’re scratching your head over the perfect birthday gift, consider handing the task to your little one. Who knows? You might just end up with a collection of treasures that not only bring a smile to your face but also teach you a thing or two about love, laughter, and the beauty of seeing the world through a child’s eyes.

Today, I’m proudly adorning my beautiful pink hairpin, courtesy of my new fashion consultant.

