UpNote Review: Mastering Note-Taking and Organisation for Improved Productivity

6 min readApr 4, 2023


Discovering the Ultimate Note-Taking Companion: My Journey with UpNote and How It Transformed My Productivity

Update 1 month later: I’m still loving this app and using it daily. The simplicity, interface and availability on all my devices seems to be making this the best note taking app for my personal preferences that I have ever tried.

In my quest for the ideal note-taking app, I realized that I didn’t require the extensive features that Notion or Obsidian offers, such as tables, links, collaborative and other advanced tools. My primary focus was to find a powerful text-based note app with efficient search capabilities, an appealing user interface, and seamless compatibility across all operating systems. As a daily user of both Apple and Windows ecosystems, it was essential to have an app that could effortlessly sync and function on multiple platforms without sacrificing functionality or aesthetics. That’s when I discovered UpNote, which perfectly catered to my needs and streamlined my note-taking experience.

UpNote is a note-taking application designed to help users stay organized, boost productivity, and capture ideas efficiently. While it shares similarities with other note-taking apps like Notion, each has its unique features and benefits. Here, we’ll examine the pros and cons of UpNote, as well as compare it to Notion.

Pros of UpNote:

  • User-friendly interface: UpNote has a clean and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to create and organize notes.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: The app is available on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, allowing users to access their notes on different devices.
  • Offline access: UpNote allows users to work on their notes offline, which can be beneficial for those who travel or have inconsistent internet connections.
  • Rich text editing: The app supports rich text editing, enabling users to format text, insert images, and create lists, tables, and more.
  • Tagging and organizing: Users can easily tag and categorize their notes, making it simple to find relevant information.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: UpNote supports various keyboard shortcuts, which can help improve efficiency for advanced users.
  • Markdown support: For those who prefer writing in Markdown, UpNote offers this functionality as well.

Cons of UpNote:

  • Limited collaboration features: UpNote lacks real-time collaboration tools, making it less suitable for teams working on shared projects. I tend to work on my projects alone so this was definitely a feature I didn’t need.
  • No free version: Unlike some competitors, UpNote does not offer a free version, which may be a barrier for some users. However, pricing is very competitive.
  • Limited integrations: UpNote does not currently support many third-party integrations, potentially limiting its usefulness for users with specific workflow requirements.
  • Smaller user base: As a less well-known app, UpNote may have a smaller community and fewer resources available for troubleshooting or tips.

UpNote offers several additional features that enhance the overall note-taking experience for users. These features contribute to making UpNote a versatile and user-friendly app:

  • Nested notebooks: UpNote allows users to create nested notebooks, enabling a more structured and organized approach to categorizing notes. This feature makes it easier to manage projects, ideas, or subjects that require multiple levels of organization.
  • Bookmarks: Users can bookmark essential notes for quick access. This feature is especially useful for frequently-referenced notes or those containing critical information that needs to be readily available.
  • Pinning notes: UpNote allows users to pin important notes to the top of their lists for easy access, ensuring that high-priority items remain visible and accessible at all times.
  • In-note navigation: The app provides a built-in navigation feature within notes, enabling users to jump between headings and subheadings easily. This is particularly helpful when working with lengthy notes or complex documents.
  • Image resizing and rotation: UpNote supports image insertion within notes, and users can resize or rotate images as needed, making it easy to integrate visuals into the note-taking process.
  • Automatic syncing: UpNote automatically syncs notes across devices, ensuring that users have up-to-date access to their content, regardless of the device they are using.
  • Password protection: Users can secure their notes with password protection, adding an extra layer of security and privacy to sensitive information.
  • Export options: UpNote provides various export options, including PDF, Markdown, and HTML, making it easy to share notes or use them in other applications.

These extra features make UpNote a well-rounded and powerful note-taking app, capable of catering to a wide range of user needs and preferences

In summary, I truly appreciate the straightforwardness of this app. With Obsidian and Notion, I often felt overwhelmed by the multitude of plugins, templates, databases, tabs, and features. Now, all I have are my notes, which I can organize as needed. I’ve experimented with almost every note-taking app out there, and UpNote emerges as my top choice, largely due to its user-friendly interface and nearly non-existent learning curve. Additionally, it offers keyboard shortcuts for various formatting options. Give it a try – CMD+OPT+1. You’ll be hard-pressed to find this level of convenience in any other app.

Comparison to Notion:

Notion is a popular note-taking app and productivity tool with a more extensive set of features, including databases, kanban boards, and calendars. It is designed to be an all-in-one workspace for teams and individuals.

Advantages of Notion over UpNote:

  • Collaboration: Notion offers robust collaboration features, such as real-time editing and commenting, which can be beneficial for teams.
  • Customisability: With its modular structure, Notion allows users to build and customize pages to suit their needs, making it more versatile than UpNote.
  • Integrations: Notion supports a wider range of third-party integrations, which can enhance its functionality and usefulness in various workflows.
  • Free version: Notion offers a free plan with some limitations, making it more accessible for users on a budget.

Disadvantages of Notion compared to UpNote:

  • Learning curve: Due to its extensive features and customisability, Notion can be more challenging for new users to learn and navigate compared to UpNote’s simpler interface.
  • Speed and performance: Notion may be slower and less responsive, particularly on mobile devices, compared to the lighter UpNote app.

Essentially, I just felt drowned in learning the features and finding my notes where I wanted to find them.

In conclusion, UpNote is a user-friendly and efficient note-taking app that may be ideal for individuals who prefer a straightforward approach to organizing their notes. However, it may not be the best choice for those seeking extensive collaboration features or third-party integrations. Notion, on the other hand, offers more powerful tools and customisability but may come with a steeper learning curve. I’m getting back to what I do best and just jotting notes, articles, ideas, copy without wasting time on other complex features.

Grab your download of UpNote

